Failure Electrical, LLC was founded in 2004 by J. Duncan Glover, Ph.D., P.E. following twenty-five years
investigating a wide and diverse array of electrical and electronic equipment failures including
explosions, fires, and injuries.  These include investigations of the following: electric utility service
interruptions and blackouts; heavy equipment failures including generators, transformers,
circuit breakers, and motors; electrocutions; consumer appliance failures; and failures of semi-
conductor devices including printed circuit boards.
Failure Electrical, LLC teams with cause and origin investigators, mechanical engineers, thermal experts,
and other engineering specialties so as to provide a multidisciplinary approach to solving complex
technical problems.
Generator Core Failure
Stator Core Cross-Section
Enlarged View of Damage
Melt Zone
Melt Zone
Shorted-lamination Zone
Shorted-lamination Zone
Fault origin between slot and bolt Fault origin at bolt hole
Fault origin between slot and bolt
Fault origin at bolt hole